APNSoftInclude Constructor | Initializes a new instance of the APNSoftInclude class. |
BasePage (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the reference to the Base Page. Used only in Code Behind. |
CSSClassesPrefix (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the prefix for CSS Style classes. Used for association between the set of classes and component instance. |
CSSSource (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the location of the CSS Style. Default value is SkinFolder. |
CSSStyleName (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the name of the CSS Style. The CSS Style must be located in the Skin Folder as specified by the SkinFolder property. |
CSSText (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Sets the CSS style value for the control. |
DataSource (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the data source that provides data for populating the control. |
IncludeFileURL | Gets or sets the target url is used as a source text data for the include. |
OutputFooter (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the data used as a footer for the output HTML markup. Use the "Default" keyword for the standard comment. |
OutputHeader (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the data used as a header for the output HTML markup. Use the "Default" keyword for the standard comment. |
Position (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the type of positioning used for the control. Default value is Static. |
PositionLeft (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the left coordinate for the control, which positioned at an absolute position. Default value is 0. |
PositionTop (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the top coordinate for the control, which positioned at an absolute position. Default value is 0. |
RegisterClientScript (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the component registers the client script with the Page. Default value is true. |
RequestURLTimeout | Request URL Timeout in milliseconds (20-200000). |
SkinFolder (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the URL for a Skin Folder. Skin Folder includes all component skin parts (CSS Style, images, etc.). The property value can be an absolute or relative URI. |
WarningsEnabled (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the component generates a client-side JavaScript messages which allow developers to control the component status. Default value is true. |
zIndex (inherited from APNSoftControl) | Gets or sets the z-index style value for the control. Default value is 200. |
DataBind | Creates a binding between the Include control and a data source. |
DataBinding | Occurs on the server side when the control binds to a data source. |
APNSoftInclude Class | APNSoft.WebControls Namespace