APNSoft Controls [] - API Reference
APNSoftMenu Properties

The properties of the APNSoftMenu class are listed below. For a complete list of APNSoftMenu class members, see the APNSoftMenu Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

AutoPostBackOnItemClick Specifies whether the control causes a postback to the server when an Item is clicked. Default value is false.
BasePage (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the reference to the Base Page. Used only in Code Behind.
BuilderMode Turns the Menu into non-standard control. Default value is false.
ClientSideOnItemClick Gets or sets the client-side code to be launched when an item is clicked. Property value can include variables $ComponentID$ and $ItemID$, instead of which data is inserted.
CSSClassesPrefix (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the prefix for CSS Style classes. Used for association between the set of classes and component instance.
CSSSource (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the location of the CSS Style. Default value is SkinFolder.
CSSStyleName (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the name of the CSS Style. The CSS Style must be located in the Skin Folder as specified by the SkinFolder property.
CSSText (inherited from APNSoftControl) Sets the CSS style value for the control.
DataSource (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the data source that provides data for populating the control.
Elements Gets the collection of elements.
ExpandDelay Gets or sets a delay in milliseconds before a submenu expands. Default value is 250.
ExpandDelayHorizontal Gets or sets a delay in milliseconds for submenus of main menu in horizontal orientation. Default value is 20.
ExpandDirectionHorizontal Gets or sets the horizontal direction to which submenus expand. Default value is LeftToRight.
ExpandDirectionVertical Gets or sets the vertical direction to which submenus expand. It is applied to horizontal menu only. Default value is Downwards.
FadeEffect Specifies whether the control displays the submenus with animated Fade effect. Default value is true.
FadeSpeed Gets or sets the speed of Fade Effect. Range: 0-50. Default value is 5.
HighlightPath Gets or sets the value indicating whether the menu highlights the selected item as well as the whole navigation path. Default value is false.
LoadingText Gets or sets the text displayed in the tooltip while loading load-on-demand content. Default value is Loading....
LoadOnDemand Specifies whether submenu will be loaded on demand. Default value is false.
Orientation Specifies the menu orientation. Default value is Horizontal.
OutputFooter (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the data used as a footer for the output HTML markup. Use the "Default" keyword for the standard comment.
OutputHeader (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the data used as a header for the output HTML markup. Use the "Default" keyword for the standard comment.
OverlapHorizontal Specifies the amount of horizontal overlap a submenu will have over its parent item. Default value is -5px.
OverlapVertical Specifies the amount of vertical overlap a submenu will have over its parent first level horizontal menu. Default value is -4px.
Position (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the type of positioning used for the control. Default value is Static.
PositionLeft (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the left coordinate for the control, which positioned at an absolute position. Default value is 0.
PositionTop (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the top coordinate for the control, which positioned at an absolute position. Default value is 0.
RegisterClientScript (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the component registers the client script with the Page. Default value is true.
Roles Gets or sets the roles the current user belongs to. User roles provide developers with an easy and flexible way to control access to various menu elements. Menu can be assigned to multiple roles.
SaveScrollPosition Gets or sets the value indicating whether the menu keeps the scroll position for submenus. Default value is true.
SEOEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control renders an additional NOSCRIPT section with links let all search engines index your website properly. Default value is false.
ShowStartingNode Gets or sets a value indicating whether the menu renders the starting node. Default value is true.
SkinFolder (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the URL for a Skin Folder. Skin Folder includes all component skin parts (CSS Style, images, etc.). The property value can be an absolute or relative URI.
StructureFileURL Gets or sets the URL to the structure file. If the property is not specified, component uses internal default structure. The property value can be an absolute or relative URI. Menu has support to use the Web.sitemap file as a standard menu structure.
SubMenusClose Gets or sets a value indicating whether all of the opened submenus are closed by mouse click outside the menu or automatically when the mouse goes away. Default value is Auto.
SubMenusHeight Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels for submenus. A submenu automatically becomes scrollable if its height less than the real height of its contents.
SubmenusHideOnItemClick Gets or sets a value indicating whether the submenus should automatically close when an Item is clicked. Default value is false.
SubMenusOpen Gets or sets a value indicating whether the submenus of the root menu are opened by mouse click or automatically when user moves the mouse pointer over the menu item. Default value is OnMouseOver.
WarningsEnabled (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the component generates a client-side JavaScript messages which allow developers to control the component status. Default value is true.
zIndex (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the z-index style value for the control. Default value is 200.

See Also

APNSoftMenu Class | APNSoft.WebControls Namespace