APNSoft Controls [] - API Reference
APNSoftRating Members

APNSoftRating overview

Public Instance Constructors

APNSoftRating Constructor Initializes a new instance of the APNSoftRating class.

Public Instance Properties

AutoCallBackOnSegmentClick Specifies whether the control causes an automatic callback to the server when a Segment is clicked. Default value is false.
AutoPostBackOnSegmentClick Specifies whether the control causes a postback to the server when a Segment is clicked. Default value is false.
BasePage (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the reference to the Base Page. Used only in Code Behind.
ClientSideAfterCallBack Gets or sets the client-side code to be launched after CallBack request. Property value can include variables $ComponentID$, $SegmentID$, $SegmentValue$ and $Parameter$, instead of which data is inserted.
ClientSideOnSegmentClick Gets or sets the client-side code to be launched when a segment is clicked. Property value can include variables $ComponentID$, $SegmentID$, $SegmentIndex$ and $SegmentValue$, instead of which data is inserted.
CSSClassesPrefix (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the prefix for CSS Style classes. Used for association between the set of classes and component instance.
CSSSource (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the location of the CSS Style. Default value is SkinFolder.
CSSStyleName (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the name of the CSS Style. The CSS Style must be located in the Skin Folder as specified by the SkinFolder property.
CSSText (inherited from APNSoftControl) Sets the CSS style value for the control.
DataSource (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the data source that provides data for populating the control.
Direction Specifies the fill direction for the control. Default value is Standard.
Orientation Gets or sets a value indicating the orientation of segments within the Rating control. Default value is Horizontal.
OutputFooter (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the data used as a footer for the output HTML markup. Use the "Default" keyword for the standard comment.
OutputHeader (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the data used as a header for the output HTML markup. Use the "Default" keyword for the standard comment.
Position (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the type of positioning used for the control. Default value is Static.
PositionLeft (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the left coordinate for the control, which positioned at an absolute position. Default value is 0.
PositionTop (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the top coordinate for the control, which positioned at an absolute position. Default value is 0.
ReadOnly Gets or sets a value indicating whether the segments of the control can be clicked. Default value is False.
RegisterClientScript (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the component registers the client script with the Page. Default value is true.
Segments Gets the collection of segments.
SegmentsInTotal Gets or sets the total number of segments. Range: 1-1024. The default value is 5.
SkinFolder (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the URL for a Skin Folder. Skin Folder includes all component skin parts (CSS Style, images, etc.). The property value can be an absolute or relative URI.
Template Gets or sets the path to the template file for the Rating control. The property value can be an absolute or relative URI.
WarningsEnabled (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the component generates a client-side JavaScript messages which allow developers to control the component status. Default value is true.
zIndex (inherited from APNSoftControl) Gets or sets the z-index style value for the control. Default value is 200.

Public Instance Methods

DataBind Creates a binding between the Rating control and a data source.
SetValue Sets the value of the Rating control.

Public Instance Events

CallTheServer Occurs on the server side when we call the server from client side by launching the rt.CallTheServer(); procedure.
OnSegmentClick Occurs on the server side when the segment is clicked.

See Also

APNSoftRating Class | APNSoft.WebControls Namespace