COLUMN_WIDTH_MAX | The minimum width of the DataGrid. |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MIN | The maximum width of the DataGrid. |
CellEditingEnabled | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the cell editing for this column is enabled. Triggered by clicking twice on a cell. Default value is true. |
ColumnName | The name of the column in the GridColumnCollection. |
CssClass | Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class for the values displayed in the column. All custom classes must be included in the skin's CSS file. |
DataType | Gets or sets the type of data stored in the column. |
Exportable | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column data will be exported to Excel or not. |
Fixed | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column is fixed. Fixed columns stay on the left side of the grid and do not scroll when the grid scrolls. Default value is false. |
FixedColumnMark | Gets or sets a mark for the fixed column. By default, the fixed column marked with the asterisk *. |
FormatOrder | Gets or sets a value that enables you to specify the order in which the cell value to be formatted. |
FormatProvider | An IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific formatting information. |
FormatString | The format string. Component converts the cell value to its equivalent string representation according to the specified format string. |
FormatType | Represents type declarations: class types, interface types, array types, value types, and enumeration types. |
HeaderText | The text displayed in the header section of the column. |
LineNumbers | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column will be filled with line numbers. Default value is false. |
OrderIndex | Gets or sets the order index of a column in the collection of columns. Range: from -1000 to 1000. The default value is 0. A column with greater order index is always displayed after a column with lower order index. Two columns with the same order index are positioned according to source order. |
Resizable | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column can be resized. |
Sortable | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column can be sorted. |
Sorted | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column data is sorted. Default value is Unsorted. |
Summary | Gets or sets the summary data for the column. |
Template | Gets or sets the path to the template file of the column. The property value can be an absolute or relative URI. |
Visible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column is displayed. Default value is true. |
Width | Gets or sets the width (in pixels) of the column. |
Average | Computes the average of column values. |
Maximum | Computes the Maximum of column values. |
Minimum | Computes the Minimum of column values. |
SetTemplateVariable | This method is used to set a value for user-defined variable in the column template. |
Sum | Computes the sum of column values. |
GridColumn Class | APNSoft.WebControls Namespace