Controls Suite
Version 4.5 |
 | What's New |
 | Overview |
 | Key Features |
 | Quick Start |
 | Licensing |
 | Individual controls |
09/17/2012 Controls Suite 4.5
- All controls - Update
- Added support for Microsoft's Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5.
- Several minor bugs are fixed.
- DataGrid control - Update
- A new property, DataSourceID, gets or sets the ID of the control from which the DataGrid retrieves its list of data items.
- A new method, SetPage(PageNumber), sets the current page number.
05/10/2012 Controls Suite 4.3
- All controls - Update
- Several minor bugs are fixed.
03/24/2012 Controls Suite 4.2
- DataGrid control - Update
- Cell editing with tabbing through editable cells-when the cell of the selected row is clicked, it is transformed into an Input Box for editing the value. To switch between cells, you can use the Tab Key (or Shift + Tab to go in reverse). Support for validation and auto-correction has also been added. A new property, ClientSideBeforeCellUpdate, specifies the client-side code (procedure) to be launched before Cell Update. Live Demo
- Support for Fixed (Summary) row-a user might be interested in aggregate information, such as the average price, the total number of units in stock, etc. Such summary information can be displayed in the fixed (frozen) row. Fixed rows remain visible at the bottom of the grid and do not scroll when the grid scrolls. To add summary information to the column, use the Summary property. A column also includes auxiliary aggregate methods: Sum(), Average(), Minimum() and Maximum(). Live Demo
- A new client-side method, dg.SetCellValue(GridID, RowID, ColumnName, CellValue);, sets the value of the specified cell on the current page.
- Updated Skins.
- Menu control - Update
- A new property, SubmenusHideOnItemClick, gets or sets a value indicating whether the submenus should automatically close when an Item is clicked.
- A new property, SaveScrollPosition, gets or sets the value indicating whether the menu keeps the scroll position for submenus.
- All controls - Update
- Several minor bugs are fixed.
- Code improvements for better performance results.
01/30/2012 Controls Suite 4.1
- Rating control - New
Controls Suite now includes new reach-featured ASP.NET server control which allows people to easily provide feedback on an article, blog item, product description, etc. In addition to this, the Rating control has an option to display a value by segment-oriented bar.
Key features:
- Ajax-enabled component.
- Segment-oriented. Each segment has ID and value.
- Based on images and CSS.
- Each segment can be customized separately.
- Support for templates.
- Allows to set or display a value.
- Menu control - Update
- PNG shadows. A shadow based on PNG image supports transparency and looks identical in all browsers.
- New properties SubMenuMarginLeft and SubMenuMarginTop. These properties specify the left and top margin of the submenu, so you can now specify the position of any single submenu separately.
- ComboBox control - Update
- PNG shadows. A shadow based on PNG image supports transparency and looks identical in all browsers.
- All controls - Update
- Compatibility with last popular browsers.
- Several minor bugs are fixed.
- Code improvements for better performance results.
10/17/2011 Controls Suite 4.0
We are pleased to announce that APNSoft Controls Suite 4.0 is now available.
All of our products (Menu, DataGrid, TreeView, etc.) were re-written from the ground up, significantly enhanced and now are combined into the single assembly APNSoftControls.dll which is much stable, more carefully controls system resources and gives additional reliability, compatibility and performance results. New features have been implemented too. Added support for .NET 4.0 and additional compatibility with all popular browsers.
10/04/2010 Menu 3.8
- Compatibility with Internet Explorer 8 and Google Chrome
APNSoft Menu now supports all popular browsers including Internet Explorer 8 and Google Chrome. Product is staffed with new skins which are fully optimized for these browsers. All previous browsers are supported too.
New skins (ver. 1.4) can be downloaded from the Download Section. To see them in action open the section Live Demos.
- Property HighlightedPathOpacity changed to HighlightedPathColor
The HighlightedPathColor property is used to specify a color for the Highlighted Path. Opacity is not flexible and, therefore, cannot be used for advanced menu customization.
- ASP.NET 1.1 is not supported anymore
ASP.NET 1.1 is obsolete. New functionality can be added only by using features of ASP.NET 2.0 and above. It is important for performance, reliability, compatibility etc. Also, the statistics show that very few developers use ASP.NET 1.1. These circumstances force us to close support the ASP.NET 1.1 version. Please use Menu for ASP.NET 2.0 and above. Previous product versions will be available via support.
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a bug with memory leaks in client-side script.
- Several minor bugs are fixed.
- Code improvements
Now Menu more carefully controls system resources and gives the best performance results.
09/24/2010 DataGrid 3.2
- Compatibility with Google Chrome
APNSoft DataGrid now supports all popular browsers including Google Chrome.
- New client-side methods
- dg.FindSelectedRow(GridID); - finds the page where the selected row is located. Returns 'true' if the row was found, otherwise the function returns 'false'.
- dg.ClearCache(GridID); - deletes the cached pages of Grid.
- Updated client-side methods
- dg.InsertRow(CloseEditForm); - adds a record to the Grid. The Edit Form is not closed automatically if the CloseEditForm=false.
- dg.UpdateRow(CloseEditForm); - updates the current record. The Edit Form is not closed automatically if the CloseEditForm=false.
- New properties
The MessageLoading specifies a message to be displayed when component loads records. The MessageNoRecords specifies a message to be displayed when there are no records in the data source.
- New method SetTemplateVariable
This method is used to set a value for user-defined variable in the column template. Now column templates are more flexible. The program logic in templates can be changed by using external parameters.
- ASP.NET 1.1 is not supported anymore
ASP.NET 1.1 is obsolete. New functionality can be added only by using features of ASP.NET 2.0 and above. It is important for performance, reliability, compatibility etc. Also, the statistics show that very few developers use ASP.NET 1.1. These circumstances force us to close support the ASP.NET 1.1 version. Please use DataGrid for ASP.NET 2.0 and above. Previous product versions will be available via support.
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a bug with memory leaks in client-side script.
- The behavior of hovered row is fixed when new row is added.
- Panel with DataGrid does not generate error in Visual Studio Design Mode.
- Several minor bugs are fixed.
- Code improvements
Now DataGrid more carefully controls system resources and gives the best performance results.
02/09/2010 DataGrid 3.1
- Compatibility with Internet Explorer 8
APNSoft DataGrid is now staffed with new skins which are fully optimized for Internet Explorer 8. All previous browsers are supported too.
New skins (ver. 1.13) can be downloaded from the Download Section. To see them in action open the section Live Demos.
- Double-click support
The new AutoPostBackOnDblClickRow property specifies whether the control causes a postback to the server when a row is double-clicked.
The new ClientSideOnDblClickRow property specifies the name of the client-side function to be called when a row is double-clicked.
- Best Fit for columns (automatic column sizing)
APNSoft DataGrid can now automatically adjust column width to make a cell's contents fully visible. To activate this feature, simply double-click a right edge of the column header.
- Advanced template processing
HTML and XSL templates can now include the $ColumnName$ variable, instead of which the name of current column is inserted. ASCX Template can now include the field GridColumn which is declared as public.
- Renamed properties
The property AutoPostBackOnSelect is renamed to AutoPostBackOnSelectRow.
The property ClientSideOnSelect is renamed to ClientSideOnSelectRow.
These properties are renamed for a more proper description.
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a bug with style for Context Menu.
- The behavior of hovered row is fixed when multiple Grids are placed.
- Fixed a bug with row selection when filter is applied.
- The GetSelectedRow() method now works correctly with PostBack.
- Fixed a bug that causes wrong behavior under Safari 4.
- Several minor bugs are fixed.
- Small code improvements
Now DataGrid more carefully controls system resources and gives the best performance results.
02/26/2009 Menu 3.6
12/29/2008 DataGrid 3.0
- Custom AJAX calls
APNSoft DataGrid includes its own AJAX engine which now allows developer to launch custom asynchronous calls. In other words, DataGrid placed on ASP.NET page, adds AJAX functionality to this page. Such AJAX calls are processed by the DataGrid component, but can be launched independently of the current DataGrid task.
- Fixed columns
DataGrid includes support for fixed (frozen) columns. Fixed columns remain visible on the left side of the grid and do not scroll when the grid scrolls.
- Row Filter
APNSoft DataGrid now includes the filter feature which allows users to quickly locate records they are looking for. Row filter can be applied from the server side or client side (JavaScript procedure, context menu, input box, etc.).
- CSS customization for rows
Use the new property CssClass to specify custom Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class for the values displayed in the row. All custom classes must be included in the skin's CSS Style.
- Column order
The new property OrderIndex specifies the order index of a column in the collection of columns. In other words, the order index is a position of the column.
- New property ClientSideAfterCallBack
This property specifies the name of the client-side function to be called after CallBack request.
- New variables for the Context Menu template
Template for Context Menu can include special variables, instead of which data (RowID, ColumnName, CellValue, etc.) is inserted.
- File name for export data
The new property ExportFileName specifies the name of the file that is the data to export.
- Z-Index
The property zIndex has been added to the DataGrid, Edit Form and Context Menu.
- Processing of selected row
The new property Selected gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the row is selected. The new method GetSelectedRow() returns the Selected Row.
- Right-click selection
The new property RightClickSelect specifies whether a row is selected when the user right-clicks on the row.
- Additional client-side methods
- dg.GetColumnName(GridID, ColumnIndex); - returns the name of the specified column.
- dg.GetCellValue(GridID, RowID, ColumnName); - returns the cell value.
- dg.GetEditFormElement(GridID, ElementID); - returns the Element in the Edit Form. By using this method, any element on the Edit Form can be validated on the client side before request to the server.
- dg.ClearPageCache(GridID); - deletes the cached data for the current Grid page.
- dg.DecodeValue(Value); - decodes the value received from the server-side event-handling method. Can be used for decoding the Parameter value received by the client-side function applied by the ClientSideAfterCallBack property.
- dg.DecodeCellValue(CellValue); - decodes the cell value received from the column template (from the $CellValueEncoded$ variable).
- Updated Skins
Each Skin now includes new images and CSS classes required for fixed columns, row filter, etc. New skins (ver. 1.9) can be downloaded from the Download Section. To see them in action open the section Live Demos.
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed bugs with data exporting (HTML and Excel).
- Horizontal scrollbar position is corrected when the page is loaded after PostBack.
- Several minor bugs fixed.
- Small code improvements
Now DataGrid more carefully controls system resources and gives the best performance results.
06/02/2008 TreeView 3.0
- Server-side API
APNSoft TreeView now provides an extremely rich and powerful server-side API allowing developer to add, remove or edit TreeView elements and element collections. TreeView includes two new classes TreeViewElement and TreeViewElementCollection.
- Check boxes
Check boxes allow the user to select more than one tree node. Each item has three potential states: checked, partially-checked (not all subitems are checked) and unchecked. Checking off an item automatically checks off all subitems. The property CheckBoxes specifies the value indicating whether check boxes are displayed next to the tree nodes.
- The href attribute can include a JavaScript call
TreeView item can now include a JavaScript call in the href attribute. Also it can include variables $TreeViewID$ and $ItemID$, instead of which data is inserted.
<item title="JavaScript" href="javascript:ItemClick('$TreeViewID$','$ItemID$');" />
JavaScript function:
function ItemClick(TreeViewID,ItemID){
- Support for Web.sitemap
The "Web.sitemap" file can be used as TreeView structure. Use the StructureFileURL property to set the TreeView structure.
- New property ShowStartingNode
This property specifies a value indicating whether the TreeView renders the starting node.
- New properties for client-side operations
- ClientSideOnSelect - specifies the name of the client-side function to be called when an item is selected.
- ClientSideOnDeselect - specifies the name of the client-side function to be called when an item is deselected.
- ClientSideOnExpand - specifies the name of the client-side function to be called when an item is expanded.
- ClientSideOnCollapse - specifies the name of the client-side function to be called when an item is collapsed.
- ClientSideOnCheck - specifies the name of the client-side function to be called when an item is checked.
- ClientSideOnUnCheck - specifies the name of the client-side function to be called when an item is unchecked.
- Structure checking
APNSoft TreeView now checks the structure for duplicated IDs and wrong-referenced elements in the database table with TreeView structure.
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a bug that cause the "The HTTP verb POST used to access path '/' is not allowed." message.
- Fixed a bug that causes the "Invalid postback or callback argument." message.
- Several minor bugs fixed.
04/02/2008 DataGrid 2.5
- Support for different data sources
The first step in programming a DataGrid is to set up its DataSource property. APNSoft DataGrid now supports different data sources: DataView, DataTable, DataSet, DataReader and any object that implements IEnumerable interface.
- Cell editing
APNSoft DataGrid is now enriched with new useful feature. It allows the user to modify a record right in the DataGrid area. When cell is clicked, it is transformed into Input Box populated with the cell value. The user can then edit this value. This sort of editing is also known as Inline editing.
- ASCX template (User Control) for a Column
APNSoft DataGrid displays each item in the column in accordance with a specified template. You can now use ASCX templates to organize and format column data by using your preferred programming language C# or VB.NET. The DataGrid component automatically identifies the type of applicable template (ASCX, XSL or HTML).
- Custom Buttons on the Bottom Bar
Now you can extend Bottom Bar with custom buttons, which make DataGrid more relevant to users. Each custom button is defined by a single XML node in the XML template applied to Bottom Bar and one or two icon files, which are all stored in the Grid's Skin Folder.
- New client-side methods
- dg.Refresh(GridID); - refreshes the content of the DataGrid.
- dg.SetPage(GridID, PageNumber); - sets the grid page number to be shown.
- dg.ScrollToTop(GridID); - scrolls the contents of the grid to the top position.
- dg.ScrollToLeft(GridID); - scrolls the contents of the grid to the left position.
01/20/2008 DataGrid 2.0
- Running Mode
APNSoft DataGrid now supports different running modes: CallBack and PostBack. Running mode controls how DataGrid handles sorting and paging. Use the Mode property to specify the running mode of the DataGrid. If the Mode property value is CallBack, paging and sorting are performed through AJAX-style HTTP callbacks. If the Mode property value is PostBack, each action initiates an ASP.NET postback and triggers the appropriate server-side event.
- ASP.NET AJAX compatibility
By default, any postback control inside an UpdatePanel control causes an asynchronous postback and refreshes the panel's content. As the DataGrid now supports PostBack running mode, component can be placed inside an UpdatePanel control. Server side events for paging and sorting must be specified as asynchronous triggers.
- Support for Context Menu
APNSoft DataGrid now provides you with full support for context menu. You can use context menu for rows or column headers.
- Export to HTML
APNSoft DataGrid can now export the data to HTML by using the new button with 'HTML' icon on the Bottom Bar. The property Exportable specifies the value indicating whether the column data will be exported to HTML or not.
- Visible/invisible Bottom Bar
You can now make the Bottom Bar invisible by using the new property BottomBar.Visible.
- Updated Skins
Each Skin now includes new images and CSS classes required for Context Menu and export to HTML. New skins (ver. 1.3) can be downloaded from the Download Section. To see them in action open the section Live Demos.
- New server-side methods
- ResetColumnWidths - sets all columns at an equal percent fraction of the DataGrid width.
- ResetPageNumber - sets a Page Number to its default value (1).
- ResetSelectedRow - removes the 'Selected' attribute from the row.
- ResetSortedColumn - removes the 'Sorted' attribute from the column.
- New client-side methods
- dg.Sort(GridID, ColumnIndex, Direction) - sorts the data in the DataGrid.
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a bug that cause the "The HTTP verb POST used to access path '/' is not allowed." message.
- Fixed a bug that causes the "Invalid postback or callback argument." message.
- The behavior of scrollbars is fixed when the AutoResize property is defined.
- Position of the Edit Form is fixed if the DataGrid is placed in the DIV with absolute position.
- Several minor bugs fixed.
12/06/2007 Menu 3.5
New features available in version 3.5:
- Server-side API
APNSoft Menu now provides an extremely rich and powerful server-side API allowing developer to add, remove or edit menu elements and element collections. Menu includes two new classes MenuElement and MenuElementCollection.
- The href attribute can include a JavaScript call
Menu item can now include a JavaScript call in the href attribute. Also it can include variables $MenuID$ and $ItemID$, instead of which data is inserted.
<item title="JavaScript" href="javascript:ItemClick('$MenuID$','$ItemID$');" />
JavaScript function:
function ItemClick(MenuID,ItemID){
- New property ShowStartingNode
This property specifies a value indicating whether the menu renders the starting node.
- Structure checking
APNSoft Menu now checks the structure for duplicated IDs and wrong-referenced elements in the database table with menu structure.
- Fixed bugs
- Menu can now handle the "\" symbol in Web.sitemap file.
- Submenu position is corrected when the window has a horizontal scrollbar.
- Submenus are now displayed in browser with High-Level Security and enabled JavaScript.
- Tooltip position is corrected when the menu is in the DIV with relative position.
- Several minor bugs fixed.
- Lite Mode removed
The Lite Mode will not be supported anymore.
10/03/2007 DataGrid 1.5
- Export to Excel
APNSoft DataGrid can now export the data to Microsoft Excel format by using the new button with 'Excel' icon on the Bottom Bar. The property Exportable specifies the value indicating whether the column data will be exported to Excel or not.
- DataGrid size on the client side
New client-side methods enables you to set width and height on the client side.
- Support for hovered rows
DataGrid includes two new properties. Please use the CssClassRowHovered property to specify the CSS class for hovered row. The CssClassRowSelectedHovered property is used to specify the CSS class for the row which is selected and hovered. These classes should be included in the CSS Style.
- HighlightSelectedRow property
This new property specifies the value indicating whether the selected row is highlighted.
- Double click for buttons in the Bottom Bar
The new EventType attribute specifies the type of action the user must take to perform the button's action. This attribute is a part of Button node in the template for the Bottom Bar. Examples:
- <Button Action="PageFirst" Title="First Page" EventType="Click" />
- <Button Action="PageFirst" Title="First Page" EventType="DoubleClick" />
- Skins have been changed
The following CSS class names have been changed to make them easier to understand:
- GridRowsEvenTRs changed to GridRowEvenTR
- GridRowsTRs changed to GridRowSelectedTR
- GridBarButtonTDh changed to GridBarButtonHoveredTD
New skins (ver. 1.2) can be downloaded from the Download Section. To see them in action open the section Live Demos.
- Fixed bug
Fixed bug with inserting a new record when multiple Grids are placed on the page.
- Lite Mode removed
The Lite Mode will not be supported anymore.
06/01/2007 DataGrid 1.3
- Support for Line Numbers.
The new LineNumbers property is used to display the row numbers in the specific column.
- Different styles for alternating rows.
You can specify complete style information for alternating rows by modifying the GridRowEvenTR class in the skin's CSS Style. Alternating rows tell which cells are in each row, especially with wide tables that have many columns.
- Customizable position of the Edit Form.
To set the position the EditForm.PositionInsert and EditForm.PositionUpdate properties are used. The Edit Form can be positioned in the center of the screen, at the top left corner of the DataGrid, in the center of the DataGrid, below the selected row, etc.
- Customizable shadow displayed for Edit Form.
The EditForm.ShadowDepth, EditForm.ShadowColor and EditForm.ShadowOpacity properties are used to set the shadow.
- Support for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
The SEOEnabled property specifies the value indicating whether the DataGrid renders an additional NOSCRIPT section with links which correspond to DataGrid
05/05/2007 Menu 3.0
APNSoft Menu has been significantly improved and includes new properties and methods. Some properties and methods have been removed and will not be used anymore.
New features available in version 3.0:
- AJAX-based Load On Demand
APNSoft Menu now supports AJAX-based load on demand. The LoadOnDemand property specifies whether submenu will be loaded on demand without postback to the server. The LoadingText property specifies the text displayed in the tooltip while loading load-on-demand content.
- Data Binding
The source of data can be bound directly to the Menu. Simply set the DataSource property and call the DataBind() method. Menu supports building multiple levels of hierarchy (the ID/ParentID model) from a single table in the data source.
- Support for Skins
The SkinFolder property specifies the URL for a Skin Folder. Skin Folder includes all component skin parts (CSS styles, images, etc.).
- Path Highlighting
The HighlightPath property specifies the value indicating whether the menu highlights the selected item as well as the whole navigation path. The HighlightedPathOpacity property specifies the opacity level in percent of the Highlighted Path.
- New attribute iconOver
APNSoft Menu now supports using the separate icon for hovered item. Use the iconOver attribute in menu structure to specify the name of the icon for hovered item.
- Expand Delay can be customized
The ExpandDelay property specifies the delay in milliseconds before a submenu expands.
- Support for Web.sitemap
The "Web.sitemap" file can be used as menu structure. Use the StructureFileURL property to set the menu structure.
- Support for selected item
APNSoft Menu now saves selected item between postbacks. The GetSelectedItemID() method returns the selected Item ID. The item's attribute selected keeps the current item selected by default.
- New property ClientSideOnSelect
The ClientSideOnSelect property specifies the name of the client-side function to be called when an item is selected. The function accepts two parameters: MenuID and ItemID.
- Lite Mode
APNSoft Menu operates in "full" mode by default. If the Lite property value is true, component operates in "lite" mode and can be used for FREE!
Properties and methods that are out-of-date and will not be used in the current and next versions:
- ClientSideProcedureName property
APNSoft Menu now uses the ClientSideOnSelect property.
- ArrowFileName and ArrowOverFileName properties
- ArrowDown.gif, ArrowDownOver.gif - arrows for horizontal menu which
opens downward.
- ArrowRight.gif, ArrowRightOver.gif - arrows for vertical menu or
- ArrowUp.gif, ArrowUpOver.gif - arrows for horizontal menu which opens upward.
Menu now uses arrow images with predefined names. Arrow images should be placed in the Skin Folder as specified by the SkinFolder property.
- ServerSideProcedureName property
Please use the event-handling method for the OnItemClick event. This event occurs on the server side when an item is clicked.
- CSSFileURL property
The new menu version uses CSS styles which have fixed names and are located in the Skin Folder. One CSS style ("CSSStyleHorizontal.CSS") is used for menu with horizontal orientation. The second ("CSSStyleVertical.CSS") is used for menu with vertical orientation.
- ImagesFolderURL property
All images must be located in the Skin Folder. The SkinFolder property specifies the URL for a Skin Folder. Skin Folder includes all component skin parts (CSS Style, images, etc.).
- Methods Render() and Reset()
These methods have been removed due to its needlessness.
04/05/2007 DataGrid 1.0
11/27/2006 TreeView 2.0
- Data Binding
The source of the data can be bound directly to the TreeView. Simply set the DataSource property and call the DataBind() method. TreeView supports building multiple levels of hierarchy (the ID/ParentID model) from a single table in the data source.
- New DurationExpand and DurationCollapse properties
The DurationExpand property specifies the duration (in milliseconds) of the expand animation. The DurationCollapse property specifies the duration of the collapse animation.
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed the bug with icons if TreeView uses the property ExpandSinglePath="True"
- Fixed the bug which blocked the ability to use the "~" symbol in all modes. This symbol is an abbreviation for the home directory of web application. Tilde can be used in property values, XML Structure and CSS Style.
- Small code improvements
Now TreeView more carefully controls system resources and gives the best performance results.
10/21/2006 TreeView 1.5
- AJAX-based Load On Demand
APNSoft TreeView now supports AJAX-based load on demand. The LoadOnDemand property specifies whether child nodes will be populated on demand without postback to the server.
- iconOpen node attribute
The iconOpen attribute allows to define the icon for expanded node.
- Health Checking
APNSoft TreeView now uses client-side JavaScript messages which allow developers control the TreeView status. For example, if you use a new TreeView version with the old JS file, you will see a warning. This feature can be switched off by using the WarningsEnabled property.
10/04/2006 ComboBox 1.5
- Ready for ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005
APNSoft ComboBox has been tested on ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005. For example, you can use product on the master page to create a combobox that applies to all pages.
- The new method: GetSelectedItemID
Returns the selected Item ID after postback. This method can be used only in Code Behind.
- Using the "~" (tilde) symbol
This symbol is an abbreviation for the home directory of web application. Tilde can be used in property values, XML Structure and CSS File.
This feature is very useful because User Control with ComboBox can be placed on the ASPX pages which are located in different subdirectories of the web application.
- Support for keyboard navigation
Now you can select an item from the list by pressing the first letter on your keyboard. For example, you use a combo box for states. If you select Pennsylvania, but you want to change to Wisconsin, instead of navigating through the list, you can hit a "W" to get to Wisconsin.
- Updated Client-Side Procedures
Client-Side Procedures now utilize two input parameters: ComponentID and ItemID.
- Health Checking
APNSoft ComboBox now uses client-side JavaScript messages which allow developers control the component status. For example, if you use a new ComboBox version with the old JS file, you will see a warning. This feature can be switched off by using the WarningsEnabled property.
- The source code is now available
The Source Code package includes the full Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 solutions (C#, XML, XSL, JS, image files, etc.) for APNSoft ComboBox in one archive (ZIP format).
You should purchase the Source Code License or Corporate Site License if you want to use the Source Code.
09/22/2006 Include 1.5
- SSL compatibility
APNSoft Include can retrieve pages from the servers which use HTTPS protocol.
- Browser Emulation
Component emulates the IE 6.0 behavior. This is done automatically without any additional effort on the developer's side.
09/19/2006 Menu 2.5
- Support for scrollable menus
The SubMenusHeight property specifies the maximum height for Submenus. A Submenu automatically becomes scrollable if its height less than the real height of its contents.
- Search Engine Optimization
The new version uses the SEOEnabled property. It indicates whether the menu renders an additional NOSCRIPT section with links let all search engines index the website properly.
- Health Checking
APNSoft Menu now uses client-side JavaScript messages which allow developers control the menu status. For example, if you use a new menu version with the old JS file, you will see a warning. This feature can be switched off by using the WarningsEnabled property.
06/29/2006 Menu 2.1
- Transparency
The new version supports transparency. Now menu can appear as semi-transparent, so you can freely see behind it.
- Small code improvements
Now menu more carefully controls system resources and gives the best performance results.
06/28/2006 TreeView 1.0
12/20/2005 Menu 2.0
- Ready for ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005
APNSoft Menu has been tested on ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005.
- XHTML 1.1 compliance
The entire APNSoft Menu output is XHTML 1.1 compliant. This ensures that menu product is a standards-based software.
- New CSSSource and CSSClassesPrefix properties
CSSSource specifies the CSS Style location. Now menu can use a style in the <head> section of ASPX page. The CSSClassesPrefix used for association between menus and a set of CSS classes.
- New property ExpandDirectionV
ExpandDirectionV specifies the vertical direction to which submenus expand. It is applied to horizontal menu only. Available values are Downwards and Upwards.
- Support for Tooltips
Tooltip describes the purpose of the currently selected item and can be specified through the tooltip node attribute in the menu XML Structure.
- New Styles Library
The new version 1.2 includes 67 ready-to-use menu styles, including 8 new styles. All of them are grouped by shape and color tints. All styles are FREE for commercial and non-commercial use. You can distribute and modify them freely.
09/27/2005 Menu 1.8
- Menu items can include pure HTML code
It gives additional flexibility for customization. Square brackets ("[" and "]") are used instead of standard corner brackets ("<" and ">"). Sometimes it is required to use square brackets without transformation to corner brackets. In this case simply use the double square brackets ("[[" and "]]").
- New SubMenusOpen and SubMenusClose properties
SubMenusOpen specifies the value indicating whether the submenus of the root menu are opened by mouse click or automatically when user moves mouse pointer over the menu item. SubMenusClose specifies the value indicating whether all of the opened submenus are closed by mouse click outside the menu or automatically when the mouse goes away.
- Using the "~" (tilde) symbol
This symbol is an abbreviation for the home directory of web application. Tilde can be used in property values, XML Structure and CSS Style.
This feature is very useful because User Control with a menu can be placed on the ASPX pages which are located in different subdirectories of the web application.
- New OutputHeader and OutputFooter properties
Menu now allows to customize header and footer in result DHTML code by using of the OutputHeader and OutputFooter properties.
- Additional improvements
- Additional CSS classes for Precise Customization are now included in the main CSS Style. Now Precise Customization does not require using of additional CSS definition of ASPX page where the menu is used.
- Mechanism of positioning is improved.
- A new version more carefully controls system resources and gives the best performance results.
- Fixed bugs
- Menu ID as well as IDs in the XML Structure can include the "_" symbol.
- Fixed the bug with z-index if multiple menus on one page.
- Now the OnItemClick event works properly for dynamically loaded menu.
- New example applications
Two new examples are added in the download section. The first one uses MS Access database for menu structure. The next one demonstrates how to enable/disable menu items. You are welcome to use code from the examples in your own application.
02/26/2005 ComboBox 1.2
- MAC browsers compatibility
Now the ComboBox is compatible with most popular MAC browsers:
Safari, Camino, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, Firefox. See the full list of browsers in the Features section.
- SSL compatibility
The new version of ComboBox works on a SSL secured site without the message:
This page contains both secure and nonsecure items.
Do you want to display the nonsecure items?
If the ComboBox is used on a SSL secured site, you should use the SSLSecured property.
02/26/2005 Menu 1.5
- MAC browsers compatibility
Now the menu is compatible with most popular MAC browsers:
Safari, Camino, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, Firefox. See the full list of browsers in Features section.
- AutoPostBack component property
AutoPostBack property specifies whether the Menu control causes a postback to the server when an item is clicked.
- AutoPostBack item attribute
The one item's attribute AutoPostBack allows to turn off the menu's AutoPostBack property only for specified menu item.
- OnItemClick server side event
Now the component includes the OnItemClick event. It occurs on the server side when a menu item is clicked.
- id item attribute
Now you can set the unique id attribute for each menu item. For example, the id can be used for receiving the one menu item that is pressed while the OnItemClick server side event is processed. If the id attribute is not specified, the component will automatically set it for each menu item (id="1", id="2", etc.)
- ItemOverCustomization property
The ItemOverCustomization property allows to make a deep customization for hovered items. It can be used when you want to create the border for the hovered Item or make it sunken or raised, or set different colors, fonts, etc.
- Example Applications
The C# and VB.NET examples that make use of the APNSoft Menu 1.5 are included in the Download Section.
The examples will help you jump-start the development of your own applications, by showing how basic tasks are performed. You are welcome to use code from the examples in your own application.
12/16/2004 ComboBox 1.0
11/11/2004 Menu 1.3
- The name of product
Formerly known as ASP.NET DHTML Menu, the component's name has recently changed to APNSoft Menu.
We think our products must include the Company Name. Because of this, some changes are made.
The table of differences:
APNSoft Menu |
Component DLL |
APNSoftMenu.dll |
ASPNetDHTMLMenu.dll |
Main class |
APNSoftMenu |
Code at the top of ASPX page |
<%@ Register TagPrefix="mn" Namespace="APNSoft.WebControls" Assembly="APNSoftMenu" %> |
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dm" Namespace="APNSoft.WebControls" Assembly="ASPNetDHTMLMenu" %> |
ASPX syntax |
<mn:APNSoftMenu id="m1" runat="server" /> |
<dm:ASPNetDHTMLMenu id="dm1" runat="server" /> |
Code Behind syntax (C#) |
using APNSoft.WebControls; APNSoftMenu myMenu = new APNSoftMenu(); |
using APNSoft.WebControls; ASPNetDHTMLMenu myMenu = new ASPNetDHTMLMenu(); |
Distributive package |
APNSoftMenu.msi |
ASPNetDHTMLMenu.msi |
- Overlap for submenus
Now you can change the horizontal and vertical overlap a submenu will have over its parent Menu Item.
To customize the overlap, please, use the OverlapH and OverlapV properties.
- The menu client-side script in external .JS file
By default, the client-side script is generated by component. The new version allows you to use external .JS file with the client-side script.
If you want to increase the performance, you should use external .JS file.
The browser will use the cached version of the .JS file, saving you about 15 kb per request. See the ClientScriptSource property for more information.
- zIndex property
You can manually set the value of z-index for the layers are generated by the menu. See the zIndex property description.
- Each menu Item, submenu, separator can be customized separately
The new attributes for the Menu Structure are available:
Attributes |
Description |
css_Item_MainTdd |
Attribute for the items customization. (Main menu, horizontal orientation). |
css_Item_MainTrd css_Item_MainTd |
Attributes for the items customization. (Main menu, vertical orientation). |
css_Item_SubTrd css_Item_SubTd |
Attributes for the submenu's items customization. |
css_submenu_ParentSubTab css_submenu_ParentSubTd css_submenu_SubTab |
Attributes for the submenus customization. |
css_separator_Spr |
Attribute for the separators customization. |
- SSL compatibility
Now the menu works on an SSL secured site without the message:
This page contains both secure and nonsecure items.
Do you want to display the nonsecure items?
If the menu is used on an SSL secured site, you should use the SSLSecured property.
- Client-side script performance
Small correction in menu client-side script. Now the menu more carefully controls system resources and gives the best performance results.
03/25/2004 Menu 1.0
03/16/2004 Include 1.0