Controls Suite 4.5 |
 | Overview |
 | Features |
 | Reference Book |
 | Live Demos |
|  | Populating with Data |
|  | Appearance |
|  | Behavior |
|  | Programming |
|  | Application scenarios |
| |  | Update Panel |
Standards-Based Software
- TreeView output is XHTML 1.1 compliant.
- Ready for ASP.NET 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 & 4.5. Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010 & 2012.
- Based on industry standards: XML and CSS.
Easy-to-Use Software
- Simplicity. No complex API.
- Uses the default style and structure to see the result immediately.
- Compact Documentation.
- C# and VB.NET examples included.
Cross-Browser Support
- APNSoft TreeView offers full up-level cross-browser support for IE 5.5+, Firefox 0.8+, Google Chrome 6.0+, Mozilla 1.4+, Netscape 7.0+, Opera 7.5+, and Safari 1.2+.
Highly Customizable Look
- Colors, sizes, borders and fonts can all be customized to visually integrate with any project.
- Support for icons, background images, separators, user-defined images for lines, expand/collapse buttons and check boxes.
- TreeView items can include HTML formatting.
- Flexible templates. Automatically identifies the type of applicable template (ASCX, XSL or HTML). Conditional Formatting for items, support for external parameters.
- The visual appearance is specified with CSS.
- Collection of free, ready-to-use TreeView skins.
Rich featured
- AJAX-based Load On Demand.
- Support for check boxes with three potential states: checked, partially-checked (not all subitems are checked) and unchecked.
- Absolute or static positioning.
- Support for smooth transition effect.
- Only one path can be expanded at a time.
- Lines can be Enabled/Disabled.
Intelligent Behavior
- Automatically checks loaded data in order to avoid extra requests.
- Saves its state after PostBack including the scroll position.
- Structure checking. APNSoft TreeView checks the structure for duplicated IDs and wrong-referenced elements in the database table with structure.
- Search Engine Optimization. Allows search engines index your site properly.
- Health Checking. Can generate client-side messages which allow developers control the TreeView status.
Flexible Programming Options
- Server-side API. APNSoft TreeView provides an extremely rich and powerful server-side API allowing developer to add, remove or edit structure elements and element collections.
- Data binding support. TreeView includes the DataSource property and the DataBind() method.
- The TreeView Structure is defined through XML and can be obtained from a static file or programmatically.
- Has support to use the Web.sitemap file as a standard TreeView structure.
- Support for client-side and server-side events.
- ViewState maintenance.
Other Features
- Multiple TreeViews on a single page are allowed.
- Support for Unicode characters.
- Generated code is dramatically small.