APNSoft.com - Web Controls, components for ASP.NET
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Controls Suite 4.5

Reference Book
Component Parts
Defining the Structure
Appearance Customization
Precise Customization
Server-side API
Live Demos

  1. Main Menu.
    Can be horizontal or vertical (the APNSoftMenu.Orientation property). Customized via .MainMenuDIV{} class in the Skin's CSS Style.

  2. Main Menu: Item.
    Presented by the item node in the XML Structure. Customized via Skin's CSS Style classes:
    .MainMenuItemTD{} .MainMenuItemHoveredTD{} .MainMenuItemSelectedTD{}

  3. Main Menu: Item's Text.
    Presented by the title node attribute in the XML Structure. Customized via .TitleTD{} class in the Skin's CSS Style.

  4. Main Menu: Arrow to submenu.
    Specified by the images in the Skin Folder:
    ArrowDown.gif ArrowDownActive.gif
    Or (if the APNSoftMenu.ExpandDirectionVertical="Upwards"):
    ArrowUp.gif ArrowUpActive.gif

  5. Main Menu: Item's Icon.
    Presented by the icon and iconOver node attributes in the XML Structure. The images must be located in the Skin Folder.

  6. Main Menu: Separator.
    Presented by the separator node in the XML Structure. Customized via .SeparatorVerticalTD{} class in the Skin's CSS Style.

  7. Submenu.
    Customized via .SubMenuDIV{} class in the Skin's CSS Style.

  8. Submenu: Item.
    Presented by the item node in the XML Structure. Customized via Skin's CSS Style classes:
    .SubMenuItemTD{} .SubMenuItemHoveredTD{} .SubMenuItemSelectedTD{}

  9. Submenu: Item's Icon.
    Presented by the icon and iconOver node attributes in the XML Structure. The images must be located in the Skin Folder.

  10. Submenu: Item's Text.
    Presented by the title node attribute in the XML Structure. Customized via .TitleTD{} class in the Skin's CSS Style.

  11. Submenu: Separator.
    Presented by the separator node in the XML Structure. Customized via .SeparatorHorizontalTD{} class in the Skin's CSS Style.

  12. Submenu: Arrow to submenu.
    Specified by the images in the Skin Folder:
    ArrowRight.gif ArrowRightActive.gif

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